Contact any team member for more information:
Phone Number: (609)380-0200
General Information Ext. 126
Noël Hiers (Director) Ext. 683
Chad Rummler (Youth Development Specialist) Ext. 227
Laurie Emhe (LCADC) Ext. 227
CeeCee Carmichael (Youth Development Specialist) Ext. 226
Victoria Schwachter (Program Therapist) Ext. 685

Please leave a message. We may be unavailable if we are out of the office or with a student, but we check the voice mail regularly.

Cell phones are used while on trips:

Fax: (609)465-3365

In-School Locations:
Room 126 - The Teen Center is located adjacent to the cafeteria and is the room with the pool table.

Room 305 - The counseling offices are located around the corner from the main office.

Stephanie Fisher
Noël Hiers
Laurie Emhe
CeeCee Carmichael
Chris Rummler
Victoria Schwachter

Feel free to use these e-mails to request more information or make an appointment to meet with us.